
Ongoing Rentals

    Our Ongoing Rentals service aims to fulfill the needs of parks, sales offices, golf courses, garden centres, U-pick farms, horse farms…

    and other venues that may require semi-permanent to year-round use. With warm water sinks that ensure the highest degree of sanitation, to units equipped to accommodate any further physical support your customers may require. We have wheelchair accessible units and are also able to accommodate individuals requiring further support through the addition of grab bars.

    With Ongoing Rentals you may have varied needs. Any of our Event and Construction units may be rented on an ongoing basis. Give us a call and we can discuss which units may best suit your needs.

    Ongoing Rental Services

    Weekly cleaning which includes:

    Recharging toilet tank with deodorant and removal of waste.

    High pressure washing of interior and exterior of units for maximum cleanliness.

    Toilet paper restocked.

    Service is offered in varying frequencies according to your needs, please contact us for further details.

    Ongoing Rentals FAQs

    How many restrooms do I need?

    Generally the rule is one regular single unit for every 50-75 people; however there are several factors to take into account. The ratio of male to female guests and food or alcohol consumption are all factors that change this calculation. We’re the experts. Contact Us and we’d be happy to figure it all out for you!

    Do you service the toilet?

    Yes, a weekly service is included in the rental cost.

    What do you recommend for overnight camping grounds?

    When camping overnight people are generally consuming three meals a day and therefore you will need more than one unit per 50- 75 people. You also may require toilet servicing each night.

    What do you recommend for areas involving alcohol consumption?

    Alcohol consumption increases your need for more units. Also, if you are having an outdoor event where people are likely to be carrying around water bottles, again you’ll require more units.

    Do you recommend staff only facilities?

    It might prove advantageous to provide separate facilities for your support staff. In addition, we recommend one hand wash station for every six single washroom units. We can assist you in determining the number of hand wash stations and their optimal placement on site.

    What type of toilet do you recommend?

    There are many factors to consider when renting for on-going requirements:

    • Duration of rental
    • Ratio of male to female users
    • Customer versus employee use only units
    • Hand washing facility requirements
    • Frequency of usage
    • Atmosphere of your rental setting